Our good addresses


Here are my good addresses to taste our best products!


About 10 km from A Quiet Place in the direction of Arlon and without leaving the national road, you will find Frank Burgers , the Rolls of burgers according to our hosts! You can eat on site or take away. Please note, the establishment only accepts cash!

The Mange et tais-toi trattoria offers delicious preparations to eat in or to take away. The opportunity to visit the beautiful village of Habay-la-vieille.

Grocery stores, markets

Brand new, very close to your room, the p'tit cabas offers everything you need to prepare a delicious breakfast or a picnic: a warm welcome guaranteed! A little further, here isThe Coeur de Village grocery store, in Bellefontaine, a cooperative supermarket, alternating bulk products, conventional brands and local and organic production. Open 7/7 (closed Monday morning and Sunday afternoon). In Neufchâteau, L' Épicerie du Center offers natural, local or fair trade products: fruits and vegetables, breads, gluten-free food, all the classic groceries, cleaning products, cosmetics... As for markets, you will find them on Tuesdays in Marbehan , Wednesday in Habay and Florenville, Thursday the big Arlon market (access by train highly recommended!), Friday in Virton, Sunday in Chassepierre. Monthly markets in Florenville and Avioth. Finally, a covered market is held every Friday evening at the Halle de Han , with on-site catering.

Good to know, the Carrefour de Florenville provides a space with tables, chairs and microwaves at the entrance to the store: an alternative to restaurants.

Orval Abbey

The must! You won't miss Orval cheese for breakfast or for your picnic, straight from the abbey. And if you fancy a beer, the famous Orval is there, of course. You won't miss a visit to the ruins and a short hike in the marshes.